With winter dumping wet and heavy snow in New England, ME, it is especially important to shovel with proper body mechanics. Back, shoulder, and neck pain are the most common pains to result from snow removal. Also, falls and the injuries associated with them are of concern.
Here are just a few suggestions to keep you safe and pain free when dealing with the next snowstorm:
- Bend the hips and knees when lifting: your glute muscles are some of the strongest in your body and will prevent spraining your long thin back muscles. Dropping your butt down before lifting snow will ensure those muscles get used.
- Take breaks: “Lift with the knees” goes by the wayside when the legs get tired, and most injuries happen when you fatigue and lose form. Set a timer to take a rest or plan an area that you are going to complete before your next break.
- Keep the weight close to you: from a physics standpoint, the further a weight is away from you, the heavier it will feel. Choke up on your shovels when lifting and keep that snow close to you until you’re ready to dump it.
- Be mindful of your footing: if you feel unsteady on your feet, whether from neuropathy or fear of falling, planning your snow removal can help keep you upright. Make sure this chore is done in plenty of light to see any potential ice or uneven surfaces. Lift smaller loads so you don’t throw yourself off balance. Take smaller steps to avoid feet sliding out from you.
As always, these are just a few recommendations to help keep you injury free. If you have any specific questions, call today at (207) 457-6037 and meet with our licensed physical therapist. We offer free balance and body mechanics screens to make sure you’re ready for the next storm.
Stay warm!