
ApexNetwork Physical Therapy Clinic Manager, Jason Grandone Continues Education

 Jason Grandone, MS, PT and Clinic Manager at ApexNetwork Physical Therapy in Greenville attended a seminar on the Maitland Australian Physiotherapy Concepts for the Spine. The seminar was held in November of 2015 and included 25 hours of training.

The course was entitled MT-2 Essential Spinal Seminar. The course objective was to advance the assessment and treatment skills of the physical therapist for patients with spinal and surrounding soft tissue injuries.

The training is one part of a four-part course that teaches advanced manual therapy evaluation and treatment techniques. Upon successful completion of all four courses, Jason will be able to test for certification as a Maitland Manual Therapist.

The Maitland approach incorporates three equally weighted components: evidence based practice, clinical expertise and patient goals. The manual skills learned in the seminar allow Jason to better care for a wide range of individuals. Please contact him at 618-664-2626 to schedule an appointment or obtain further information.