
ApexNetwork Physical Therapy Runs in Hospice Volunteer Initiative 5K

ApexNetwork Physical Therapy Director of Clinical Operations Eric Wessel and his family ran a 5K to support Hospice Volunteer Initiative at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. The event took place this past weekend on April 2. Pictured below is Dr. Chris Herndon and Eric Wessel.  Chris Herndon is a professor at SIUE that helps advise and organize the Hospice Volunteer Initiative at SIUE.  ApexNetwork sponsored the event by providing T-Shirts to all runners, displaying sponsor’s logos on the back.

Hospice Run


Pictured below are Eric’s family getting warming up for the run. Eric’s wife Michelle took first place among all women. His son Evan (age 11) took second place overall. Eric’s two daughters helped DJ the music during the event.