
Jeff Cowdry, OT, CHT, Continues Education

Ballwin, MO – December, 22, 2017 – Jeff Cowdry, OT, CHT, at the ApexNetwork Physical Therapy clinic in Ballwin, MO recently attended the 40th Annual American Society of Hand Therapist Meeting in Anaheim, CA.

Topics included innovative approaches to restoring PIP joint extension, the unstable elbow, surgical demonstrations on common shoulder and elbow procedures, DRUJ issues and treatment, and many other topics. A helpful technique was learned for helping resolve stubborn passive PIP extension deficits. Concepts to further help patients experiencing thumb pain were also reinforced.

Jeff Strives to be the first choice of patients and physicians alike for hand therapy in the Ballwin/Town & Country area and is confident that skill gained through this course will further help him along this this path. Please contact him at 636-238-4910 to schedule an appointment or visit  www.apexnetworkpt.com for additional information.













For additional information:
ApexNetwork Physical Therapy
884 Woods Mill Road, Ste. 200