
Kyle Winters, DPT Continues Education

Kyle Winters, DPT Continues Education












St. Louis, MO–November 11, 2017- Kyle Winters, DPT and Clinic Manager at the Columbia, IL ApexNetwork clinic, attended a course in Integrating Functional Exercise with Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain. In this course, Kyle learned about the musculature of the core that are key in the treatment of low back patients, which are the transverse abdominus and multifidus. The course also covered how to palpate each of these muscles to determine if one side engages before the other, how to perform contractions of these muscles on ourselves as well as cueing that we can use for patients to educate them on the proper way to contract these muscles, and static as well as functional exercises that can be used to engage these muscles. These exercises will build up the core musculature and ultimately decrease the root cause of the back pain instead of only treating the symptoms. A discussion about various patient populations including worker’s compensation and how to make a program that will include functional motions for various tasks was also held during the course.

The topics covered during this course will allow Kyle to better care for patients with low back pain using functional exercise and manual therapy. Please contact him at 618-281-3433 to schedule an appointment or visit www.apexnetworkpt.com for additional information.


ApexNetwork Physical Therapy
Columbia, IL
200 Admiral Trost Road, Ste. 2