
Robert Schremp, PT, Continues Education

Chester, IL – November 2, 2017- Robert Schremp, PT and Clinic Manager of the Chester, IL ApexNetwork Physical Therapy clinic, attended a continuing education course titled “Rehabilitation of Persons with Common Medical Pathologies” which was presented by Dr. Steven Tepper, PhD, PT, FAPTA on October 21-22, 2017 in Chesterfield, MO. The course focused on providing optimum care for patients with MI/CHF, COPD, Diabetes, Renal Failure, Obesity, Peripheral Artery Disease, and Deep Vein Thrombosis. This was an evidence-based course which discussed pathology clinical presentation and treatment which were supported by visual demonstration case study examples, and extensive research studies. An underlying theme was how simple improvements to our lifestyles, such as better eating habits and regular exercise of even modest intensity, can not only prevent but also reverse some common disease processes which are afflicting a growing percentage of the American population.


The topics covered during this course will allow Robert to better care for a wide range of patients. Please contact him at 618-826-2949 to schedule an appointment or visit www.apexnetworkpt.com for additional information


For additional information:

ApexNetwork Physical Therapy

2323 Old Plank Road, Ste. A

